It is time once again for our annual school wide fundraiser, the Race for Education. You have helped make it a huge success and we are excited to hold this event again this year.
On Friday, March 28th, our K-12th grade students will participate in the Race for Education. You can help by giving a flat donation to a runner and by sharing this opportunity with generous family members and friends.
Our goal is to raise $60,000 to improve the overall student experience. Specifically, we would like to purchase technology upgrades to help facilitate individualized and supplemental instruction. Funds raised may also be applied toward additional transportation needs to help facilitate improved field trips and sports game experiences.
Donate a flat amount to help the student of your choice earn fun prizes. Each student will be challenged to run as many laps as they can in a half hour.
Elementary: Each lap is 1/8 mile
7th-12th grade: Each lap is 1/4 mile
Submit payment with this form. You can also sign up in person in the school office. Our entire school family thanks you for your support of this event!